
Showing posts from December, 2022

Magic Systems (Writing Fantasy)

      During the Christmas holidays, my brother and I were discussing the novels were reading. My brother was reading Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson and I hadn't picked up a book in a while, so I described the fantasy novel that I was writing. My brother then told me about the interesting magic system of Mistborn  and I thought about my own novel. Was it interesting enough? Does have enough layers? How can I improve it?  These questions are why I'm here now writing this blog update. So, let me pose the question to the internet, how does one write and depict good magic structures? The first step is to know where the magic comes from. Is magic a resource, an element or is it within the body naturally? Is it something that ancient gods have gifted your characters, or is it something that was stolen? To create a well-planned magic system you must think of the way the characters and the magic interact, from where does this magic come? Is it emerging or disappearing? I...